Every problem has a solution: SAE get creative
We know that 2020 has been tough for everyone – personally as well as presenting huge challenges for businesses. SAE have had a huge job to maintain the logistics required for businesses to operate and indeed to work together to find unique solutions. Throughout the Covd-19 period SAE have continued to provide all customers with the high levels of service we are known for. We have been working closely with our customers to help overcome all sorts of obstacles and solve complex problems both overseas and in the UK:
- As Milan in Italy went into a major lockdown, SAE delivered critical equipment to a hospital. A week later after the procedure had taken place we had to remove the kit and return to the UK as quickly as possible. This was no easy task given that this region of Italy was the most severely restricted part of Europe. Despite road blockades and massive restrictions on movements, SAE succeeded in collecting, returning and making available the kit ready for the next urgent procedure
- Phased deliveries of unique medical equipment to urgent critical care MRI suites throughout London and the South East. Obstacles being numerous sites with restricted access. For example, low overhanging bridges / buildings / walk ways. This job needed both trustworthy and accurate communication to liaise with and meet installation teams on site, delivery of the correct phased equipment so that installation can take place with the correct goods on site at the correct time.
- When delivering a large consignment of medical equipment to the Ukraine, a local customs officer incorrectly impounded goods. SAE used their international expertise to assist in getting the goods released and delivered within the required timescales.
- We helped with a very important job to help boost TEAm morale during home working throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland for a well know Global company. The care packages of “Tea & Biscuits” were all very gratefully received and consumed!
- Delivery in Rome, Italy of surgical diagnostic equipment urgently needed for a procedure, all with only 1 day’s notice!
“Finding solutions to problems is what we do and what we are known for”, said Richard Bousfield. “The team are very proud of that and it is always a team effort to get the job done successfully”.
If you need a Logistics company who provide solutions rather than additional problems, give our friendly team a call to see how we can help.
Should you have any questions, please contact info@saelogistics.com